搜尋引擎優化 SEO |
我們提供雅虎, 谷歌, 百度...。SEO (搜尋引擎優化), 搜尋引擎廣告服務,
線上廣告365天 x 24hrs。SEO, 關鍵字, 網站優化推你的網頁更高的排名..。 現在打電話給我們詢問關於 SEO 服務細節... 電話: +852 23700993
Call us now for SEO service detail ... Tel : +852 23700993根據《Google搜尋引 擎最佳化指南》。這裡是我們應該做的工作..。
1. 建立獨特、準確傳達內容的網頁標題 Create unique, accurate page titles: Indicate page titles by using title tags, A title tag tells both users and search engines what the topic of a particular page is. Accurately describe the page's content, Create unique title tags for each page Use brief, but descriptive titles 2. 充分利用「描述」中繼標記 Make use of the "description" meta tag : A page's description meta tag gives Google and other search engines a summary of what the page is about 4. 讓您的網站更易於瀏覽 Make your site easier to navigate : The navigation of a website is important in helping visitors quickly find the content they want. 5. 提供優質相關內容和服務 Offer quality and matched content and services :Creating compelling and useful content will likely influence your website more than any of the other factors discussed here 6. 撰寫更好的錨定文字 Write better anchor text : Anchor text is the clickable text that users will see as a result of a link, and is placed within the anchor tag 7. 最佳化圖片的使用 Optimize your use of images : Image-related information can be provided for by using the "alt" attribute Be aware of rel="nofollow" for links : Setting the value of the "rel" attribute of a link to "nofollow" will tell Google that certain links on your site shouldn't be followed or pass your page's reputation to the pages linked to. 9. 告知Google 你的網站已經完成 SEO, Notify/submite your site to Google : tell Google your website is SEO ready 10. Consider do some online advertisment (i.e. Google Adwords) |
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